Allen Newcomb Show Lambs & Treadmills

Khloe Nelson

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Khloe Nelson, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Market Goat and Breeding Doe at the 2022 Minnesota Youth Livestock Expo! Learn a little more about Khloe below!

Age: 13

Hometown: New Richland, MN

School: Owatonna Middle School

Future Plans:
I want to be involved in the livestock industry but I don’t know what part of it yet!

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
7 years showing I started showing sheep then started showing goats a few years later

Best stock show memory:
Probably winning the market goats and breeding goats at expo

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Halter Breaking

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Sayde Allen

Ethan Davies

And last, but certainly not least, to round out our 2022 Oklahoma Youth Expo Exhibitor Spotlights, we have the young lady that exhibited the Grand Champion Market Goat, Sayde Allen! To top things off, after snagging that title she circled back in the ring to also receive that handshake for Grand Champion Market Lamb.

Age: 12

Hometown: Elk City, OK

School Attending: Canute Elementary School

Future Plans:
I plan to attend Oklahoma State University in hopes of being on the judging team or athletic team.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing for 8 years. I also show goats and pigs.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
In my free time I enjoy playing softball and basketball. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

My biggest stock show memory:
Two of my best friends, Brayden Bowers and Reagan Rodgers and I always bet on who will win showmanship. Whoever loses has to buy ice cream for everyone!

Tell us about your recent champion.
“Chief,” was special to me. We had a great bond and he brought me a lot of success throughout the show season.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?
Nervous but thankful to be there!

Favorite Livestock Show:
My favorite show is OYE!

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Halter Breaking

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Jase Sparks

Ethan Davies

Learn about the young man that won Reserve Champion Market Goat at the 2022 Oklahoma Youth Expo, Jase Sparks!

Age: 14

Hometown: Hartshorne, Oklahoma

School Attending: Hartshorne Junior High

Future Plans:
I plan to attend college after high school and would like to participate in livestock judging.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I started showing pigs when I was 3 years old and showed my first goat when I was 6.  I have also shown sheep.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
I enjoying fishing/hunting and livestock judging with my dad who is my ag teacher.

Best stock show memory:
In 2021 I finally got the Limo ride at OYE and this year I was Reserve Grand Overall Market Wether Goat at OYE.

Tell us about your recent champions.
My recent win at OYE was with my goat (Terry).  He was special from the moment we got him.  He always loved showing himself off I guess you can say he knew he was good.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:
Oklahoma Youth Expo!

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Cleaning Pens

Addyson Schneberger

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Addyson Schneberger, exhibitor of the Reserve Supreme Breeding Doe at the 2022 Tulsa State Fair! Learn a little more about Addyson below!

Age: 16

Hometown:Carnegie, OK

School: Carnegie High School

Future Plans:
I would like to attend a junior college and participate on the livestock judging team and finish up at Oklahoma State University and earn a degree in Ag Communications or Ag Business.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I been showing for about ten years, and showed my first goat when I was about 6 years old. No, I only have goats in the barn right now.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
I am very involved in my FFA chapter, livestock judging, public speaking and also enjoy playing softball.  

Best stock show memory:
My favorite stockshow memory was winning the Oklahoma Youth Expo in 2021 with Ted, a wether goat that my family raised. Sharing that experience with a great team of friends and supporters will be something I remember forever. #Tedwinsfairs

Tell us about your recent champion:
82 was a doe that my family raised and from the time she was a baby she was a very special doe. We knew when she was born that she was one of the best does we have raised. She is also a full sib to Ted, our OYE wether.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?
Nervousness. I was very nervous to be in the grand drive but thankful for the opportunity.

Favorite Livestock Show:
The Oklahoma Youth Expo is my favorite livestock show.

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Cleaning Pens

Baylor Pearson

Ethan Davies

Baylor Pearson made it to the backdrop at Oklahoma Youth Expo with his Champion Wether Dam! Find our what he enjoys when not showing in our interview below!

Age: 14

Hometown: El Reno, OK

School Attending: El Reno

Future Plans:
Continue to show and then attend Oklahoma State

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
Around 9 years

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?

Best stock show memory:
Any with friends and family there with me

Tell us about your recent champions.
She was crazy but had a great personality

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Halter Breaking

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Stratley Strube

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Stratley Strube, exhibitor of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2022 State Fair of Texas! Learn a little more about Stratley below!

Age: 10

Hometown: San Angelo, Texas

School: Wall Elementary

Future Plans:
Attend Texas A&M University and study to be a Vet

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
3rd year. Yes. Goats and I have one steer for this year

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
Basketball, Volleyball, Golf, 4H food challenge and Food Show, raising mini aussie puppies and church activities.

Best stock show memory:
First year at Dallas in the big ring and won my class with a family favorite lamb named Calvin

Tell us about your recent champion:
His name was Shocker and was raised by Hutto Livestock. He was pretty stubborn and hard to get leading. He grew out exactly like we wanted him to and was very fun to show in Dallas.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Ethan Davies

Stratley Strube recently made it to the backdrop with her Grand Champion Market Goat at Rodeo Austin! She shares more about her favorite stock show and memories in our interview below!

Age: 9

Hometown: Wall, Texas

School Attending: Wall Elementary

Future Plans:
Go to Texas A&M and become a teacher and help my dad with Strube Livestock.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have shown lambs and goats for 2 years. I might show steers next years.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
Basketball, Raising Mini Aussies, 4H Food Challenge and Baking.

Best stock show memory:
Making it to the grand drive my first year at Houston with my lamb and goat.

Tell us about your recent champions.
We named him Dale Yeah. He was very hairy and stubborn!

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Sunny Cowley

Ethan Davies

Sunny Cowley exhibited the Reserve Champion Market Goat at the 2022 Houston Stock Show. Read about her wethers unlikely path to the backdrop in our interview below!

Age: 17

Hometown: Amarillo, Texas

School Attending: Canyon High School

Future Plans:
I plan to attend Texas A&M University in the fall and major in Animal Science with a minor in political science. I hope to one day work in developing agricultural policy at the state or national level.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing goats for 10 years. I also show sheep.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
Livestock Judging

Best stock show memory:
My best show memory happened this fall when I won the State Fair of Texas with a wether that my family raised. We have been raising goats since I was one. It felt great to reach our goal of raising a major show champion.

Tell us about your recent champions.
As crazy as it sounds, Stimpy was not supposed to be a show wether. When we bought him, he was destined for the sale barn. He had gotten real sick as a baby and was buckled over on his front end. He had been so sick that Maycon had never castrated him. My dad bought him to be a teaser buck. When we got him home, we stuck him in a outside with the feeder goats and forgot about him. For some reason, he started eating good, and his front legs straightened up. After about two months, my dad called Maycon to ask if we could surgically castrate Stimpy to make him a wether, and Maycon agreed. We really thought he would just be a nice wether for my sister to show. But he just kept getting better. By November, we realized he was the best wether we had in the barn. Even at that, it wasn’t until we took the hair off of him right before Houston that we realized what an impressive goat he was. Still, we never dreamed he would do what he did.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:
State Fair of Texas. It’s one day in, show the next day. The weather is always good. It is laid back and relaxing.

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Reagan Miller

Ethan Davies

Learn more about the exhibitor of the Reserve Champion Market Goat at the 2022 San Antonio Stock Show, Reagan Miller!

Age: 9

Hometown: Seagraves, Texas

School Attending: 3rd grader at Kelley Elementary in Denver City, Texas

Future Plans:
Continuing showing goats and lambs, I have a lot of years left since this was my first year showing at Texas Majors. Also I plan on finishing my education in Denver City and then attending college. I would like be a Vet or ENT.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
4 years but this is my first year at Texas majors.
I show lambs also.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?

Best stock show memory:
Winning Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat at San Antonio this year!

Tell us about your recent champions.
His Name was Black Ninja. We bought him from Blue Team Wethers.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:
San Antonio

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Halter Breaking

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Brynlee Hogg

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Brynlee Hogg, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2023 Houston Livestock Show! Learn a little more about Brynlee below!

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Hometown: Lubbock, TX

How long have you lived there?
I have lived in Lubbock my whole life.

How many kids are in your grade?
There are around 45 kids in my grade.

Most interesting thing about your town?
Something interesting about my town is we have this place called Cook’s Garage where they hold huge concerts and parties. People from all around Lubbock come and it’s such an amazing experience.

Do you serve on any clubs/organizations? If so, what?
I am a debutante in Lubbock and I am a member of the National Charity League. I am also a member of Lubbock County 4H.

Do you play sports? If so what?
I play varsity softball at Trinity Christian School.

What is the population of your hometown?
I would say Lubbock has around 260,000 people in It.

What is one thing you wish you had there?
I definitely wish we had an In-and-Out Burger but maybe one day we will have one.

What is your favorite thing about your hometown?
I love all of the communities that have been formed in Lubbock. You will always find the nicest group of people no matter where you go in Lubbock.

Kendra Myers

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Kendra Myers, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Wether Dam at the 2022 NAILE! Learn a little more about Kendra below!

Your favorite stock show memory?
Winning the NAILE

Favorite road trip snack?
Cheez-it Duoz and Peach Red Bull

Do you have a lucky show shirt, jeans, etc? If so, what is it?
Lucky socks!

Halter vs Chain


Jackpots vs State Fairs
State Fairs

Clipping vs Fitting

Buckles vs Banners

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Kendra Myers! Kendra exhibited the Grand Champion Doe at New Years Nationals!

Age: 19

Hometown: Kathryn, North Dakota

School Attending: Black Hawk East

Future Plans:
Transfer to Western Illinois University after Black Hawk to continue my education in Agriculture Business

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I started showing hogs when I was 6, breeding heifers when I was 8, and eventually got into goats when I was 9

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
Trying to keep up with Carson Wheeler and Cooper Bounds’ crazy ideas!

Best stock show memory:
Accidentally grabbing my sister’s (very short sister’s) jeans and looking like I was ready for a flood while showing my doe at the boer nats!

Tell us about your recent champions.
Brenna definitely has a mind of her own but she loves being a show doe and getting extra attention! She’s a flush mate to Finders Keepers and was bred by Allan Morgan.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Flint Kennedy

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Flint Kennedy, the exhibitor the Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2023 Sioux Empire Livestock Show! Learn a little more about Flint below!

Age: 7

Grade: 1st

Hometown: Kirkville, IA

How long have you lived there?
7 years

How many kids are in your grade?

Most interesting thing about your town?
There’s a stop sign.

Do you play sports? If so what?
Football & Basketball

What is the population of your hometown?

What is one thing you wish you had there?
Mexican Restaurant & The Allen Girls

What is your favorite thing about your hometown?
Granny and Papa live here.

Ethan Davies

We caught up with the young man that exhibited both the Grand and Reserve Grand Market Goats in Sioux Falls, Flint Kennedy!

Age: 6

Hometown: Kirkville, IA

School Attending: Eddyville Elementary School

Future Plans:
Go to 1st Grade.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been in the showing for 2 years. I also show sheep.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
Farming, Ninja warrior, wrestling, t-ball.

Tell us about your recent champions.
Thunder was bred by Cooper & Boden. He liked running on the treadmill.
Billy was bred by Alan Morgan. He played tag with me in the yard.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:

Favorite Barn Music:
Thunder & Old Town Road

Favorite nightly task:
Set my goats up in front of the mirror.

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Halter Breaking

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Kenna Cooley

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Kenna Cooley of Kansas! Kenna recently exhibited the Grand Champion Market Goat at Aksarben as well as 5th Overall Wether Dam at the North American!

Age: 15

Hometown/School: I am currently a Sophomore at West Franklin High School in Pomona, KS.

Future Plans:
I plan to attend Oklahoma State University and major in Ag education. I’d like to be an Ag teacher/FFA advisor, along with raising livestock.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing goats for 7 years. I don’t show any other species.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
I am actively involved in 4-H and FFA. I am currently the Treasurer for my HS FFA Chapter. I also play basketball.

Best stock show memory:
My best stock show memory to date is wining Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2021 Aksarben Stock Show. I picked that goat out when he was just a few weeks old. Seeing the happiness that win brought to my family and friends was the best feeling ever!

Tell us about your recent champion.
I exhibited the 5th overall wether dam (Division 1 Champion) at NAILE in Louisville, raised by Kempker Livestock known in the barn as Night Hawk. I could never thank Trent and Emma Kempker enough for raising such amazing animals along with shaping me into the showman and person I am today. Truly blessed!

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Sandra Clinger

Ethan Davies

Sandra recently exhibited the 3rd Overall Market Goat at the North American! Learn more about her in our interview with her!

Age: 17

Hometown/School: Yuma Catholic High School – Yuma, Arizona

Future Plans:
Attend Oklahoma State University and obtain a degree in Animal Science.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing market goats for 7 years, market sheep for 4 years, and market steers for 2 years.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
Other than showing livestock, I like to spend time with friends and family!

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?
Excited – I love knowing that all of my hard work has paid off to that point. It is very exciting to know that after a long day of showing, I made it to the grand drive.

Favorite Livestock Show:
I can’t decide between Louisville and Phoenix!

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Cara Cummins

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Cara Cummins, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2022 American Royal! Learn a little more about Cara below!

Your favorite stock show memory?
My favorite stock show memory would have to be winning grand champion goat at the 2022 American Royal, while my brother, Cooper, won reserve grand steer. Winning alongside him at his last show was something I will remember forever!

Favorite road trip snack?
Sweetarts Ropes and a Dr. Pepper!

Do you have a lucky show shirt, jeans, etc? If so, what is it?
My lucky shirt is a black sweater, with a purple shirt and just a pair of 7’s. Ive worn the same belt forever and its turned very lucky!

Halter vs Chain


Jackpots vs State Fairs
State Fairs

Clipping vs Fitting

Buckles vs Banners

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Cara Cummins of Oklahoma! Cara recently exhibited the Grand Champion Market Goat in Louisville!

Age: 15

Hometown: Hollis, Oklahoma (Hollis High School)

Future Plans:
Go to Oklahoma State and major in Ag business

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing goats for almost 3 years! I grew up showing pigs and then started showing cattle. Now I  show goats and cattle!

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
I play basketball, run track and cross county, and cheer!

Best stock show memory:
Winning NAILE this year had to be my best memory.

Tell us about your recent champion.
His name was Dale. He was definitely my favorite goat that I have had in my barn!

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Ava Shroyer

Ethan Davies

Get to know Ava Shroyer, the exhibitor of the Reserve Champion Market Goat at the 2021 American Royal!

Age: 16

Hometown: DeGraff, Ohio

School Attending: Indian Lake High School

Future Plans:
I plan to judge livestock at a junior college then transfer and continue judging livestock at a senior college.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing since I could walk. But as of 4-H I’ve been showing 8 years. Along with goats I also show sheep.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
Key Club

Best stock show memory:
Winning my first “big” show with my goat, Walley. When we first started we didn’t know anything about goats so this was a huge victory for me and my family.

Tell us about your recent champion.
He was bred by Kedrick Miller out of Thorntown, Indiana
Sire-He Said

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:
The National Western Stock Show

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Cleaning Pens

Reese Turman

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Reese Turman, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2022 California State Fair! Learn a little more about Reese below!

Age: 17

Hometown: Bakersfield, CA

School: Garces Memorial High School

Future Plans:
I plan to attend a 4 year university and major in Ag business and minor in food safety and quality

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing for 10 years and I also show market lambs.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
I like to spend time with family and friends aswell as watch my brother hit nukes on the baseball field.

Best stock show memory:
Winning the golden bear at state fair so I could retire from showing showmanship.

Tell us about your recent champion.
My champion at the California State Fair was from Fledderjohann Show Goats placed by Cooper Bounds. Fun fact about him is that we both stick our tounges out in the show ring.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?
Bitter sweet because it was my last time showing at the California State Fair.

Favorite Livestock Show:
California State Fair and Denver

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Ethan Davies

Reese Turman exhibited the Champion Market Goat at the 2021 California Youth Expo. Get to know Reese a little more from our interview with her!

Age: 16

Hometown: Bakersfield, CA

School Attending: Garces Memorial High School

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing 7 years and I also show sheep aswell.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Define your own success and chase it!!

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
When I grow up I want to attend Texas Tech and become a pharmaceutical rep for livestock.

My biggest stock show oops moment:
We were pulling legs on a goat and the tail adhesive came out blue and we were in a time crunch so I had to show the goat with one blue leg…thankfully it wasnt show side.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
Driving across the country looking for goats is my favorite part of the whole show year!

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
My least favorite barn chore is hands down cleaning out pens.

Favorite Livestock Show:
Its a toss up between Arizona, Denver, Western Bonanza, and The revival.

Current Favorite Song:
Tequillalittle time

Favorite Sports Team:
The dodgers

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Peace & Quiet

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, Of Course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots

Talan Hiemstra

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Ms. Talan Hiemstra, who recently showed the Reserve Champion Market Goat at the 2022 Michigan Livestock Expo. Learn a little bit more about Talan below!

Age: 16

Hometown: Marcellus, MI

School: Marcellus High School

Future Plans:
I plan to attend a college to study biology in the agricultural field. Also continue helping other exhibitors with their livestock.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing livestock for ten years but only have shown goats for the past two years. I also show sheep and pigs

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
Playing sports anytime I can get.

Best stock show memory:
Winning Grand Champion Goat at MLE in 2021 and hugging Dave Williams who helped me throughout the year with my goat.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:
North American International Livestock Expo (NAILE)

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Halter Breaking

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets

Ethan Davies

We caught up with the young lady that exhibited the Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2021 Michigan Livestock Expo, Talan Hiemstra!

Age: 15


School Attending: Marcellus High School

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
IThis was my first year showing goats, other species I also show are lambs and pigs which i have been showing since I was 6 years old.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
When you work hard it will always pay off.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
Physical therapy or something in the Biology field.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
One thing you might not know about me is I’m a very active person in sports,which includes volleyball in the fall and then travel volleyball in the winter. Then I do track in the spring and powerlifting thoughout the year.

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Water buckets in the winter.

Favorite Livestock Show:

Favorite Sports Team:
Texas Volleyball Team

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots

Carson Wheeler

Ethan Davies

Learn more about Carson Wheeler, the exhibitor of one of the Grand Champion Market Goats and the Reserve Champion Breeding Doe at the 2021 New Year Nationals!

Age: 19

Hometown: Luther, OK

School Attending: BlackHawk East Campus

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
My show career started in 2010. Through the years I have only shown goats. I had no clue what I was doing at first, but I did knew I didnt like to stand at the bottom of the class. Hard work is one of our core values, and we take pride in what we do.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Don’t ever give up on something that challenges you, in the end the accomplishments will benefit you greatly.

My biggest stock show oops moment:
I left my packed bags at home, for the 2018 NAILE Livestock Show. Realizing this as we were arriving at the hotel in Louisville.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I’m an Indian, A blonde haired card carrying Indian..

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
My favorite chore is definitely not changing out and cleaning water buckets.

Favorite Livestock Show:
Oklahoma Youth Expo

Current Favorite Song:
Headlines, By Drake

Favorite Sports Team:
Houston Astros

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, Of Course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Backdrop Pics

Kaylie Stone

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Kaylie Stone after her great success at the 2021 New Year National! She was crowned Champion Goat Showman, Grand Champion Market Goat in the Money Ring and Reserve Champion Market Goat in the Prize Ring!

Age: 21

Hometown: Gurdon, Arkansas

School Attending: Southern Arkansas University

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I started showing competitively and made my first trip to NAILE when I was 7! I have shown lambs, pigs,market rabbits, and cattle also! I’ve been around the showing/livestock industry my whole life.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
It’s important to set goals either big or small. These can be showmanship goals or goals you set for your livestock. I keep a mental checklist of things I try to get better at each week! Most importantly have fun, meet new people, and cherish the memories!

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
When I grow up I want to work in the Agriculture Marketing field specializing in livestock photography and graphic design. I hope to continue my business, Kaylie Stone Photography, while also raising livestock. I plan to graduate in May 2022 with my Bachelors in Agriculture Education and minor in Communication Design!

My biggest stock show oops moment:
I almost walked in the Supreme Showman drive at The New Year National with my everyday barn hey dude shoes that are holding together by a thread!

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I never learned how to ride a bike when I was younger and chose to run because it was easier. I was later recruited to run track in college!

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
I’m very precise about how I do things in the barn but I’m not a fan of changing out and cleaning water buckets!

Favorite Livestock Show:

Current Favorite Song:
Long Hot Summer Day – Turnpike Troubadours

Favorite Sports Team:
St. Louis Cardinals

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, Of Course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Backdrop Pics

Riley Hoyle

Ethan Davies

We caught up with the NAILE Senior Showmanship Champion, Riley Hoyle! This young lady also had a good run at the Arkansas Youth Expo with a Division Champion and Two Reserve Division Champions.

Age: 19

Hometown:Taylor, Arkansas

School Attending: I’m currently a freshman at Texas Tech University.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I guess technically I’ve been in the show ring since I was two when I showed my Pygmy goat in pee-wee showmanship. I started showing market goats when I was seven, and sheep when I was nine. I think I added pigs in there somewhere around 11 or 12.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
One piece of advice I’d give to other showman is to never believe that all that matters is winning or losing. Having success is awesome, but what will last forever are the friendships and relationships you build with those around you. So, talk to the people in line beside you, congratulate everyone, and cherish every second spent with the best people in the best industry.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
“When I grow up I want to,” give back the livestock and agricultural industries that have both played a key role in making me who I am today. I’m currently an agricultural communications major, and I love it. I don’t know exactly what I’ll do or who I’ll work for, but I know that I want to help the next generation of showman have the same experiences I had.

My biggest stock show oops moment:
My biggest stock show oops moment would probably be when I was in the finals for goat showmanship at the Arizona National and my chain broke, so I proceeded to throw it in a corner of the ring and show my goat like a lamb.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
One thing you might not know about me, is that in high school I played softball and won three consecutive state titles.

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
My least favorite barn chore is without a doubt cleaning pens. 

Favorite Livestock Show:
Arizona National

Current Favorite Song:
Mine All Mine by Kolton Moore and the Clever Few

Favorite Sports Team:
Red Sox

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, Of Course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots

Courtney Thurman

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Courtney Thurman, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2020 State Fair of Texas & the Reserve Champion Market Goat at the 2020 Houston Livestock Show!

Age: 17

Hometown: Bryan, Texas

School Attending: Rudder High School – Plan on attending Texas Tech University in fall 2021

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing for 13 years. I have also shown wether does, market lambs, crossbred gilts, and market hogs.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Set goals that you deem almost impossible to achieve.  Those goals will drive you to work harder, practice more, and push you beyond your comfort zone. As long as you are in your comfort zone your impossible goals will not be achieved.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
Who really ever grows up? I plan to attend Texas Tech University and major in Agricultural Communications. I have not narrowed my focus for my career as I want to leave the door open to any opportunity that comes my way.

My biggest stock show oops moment:
When I ripped my pants open, right down the butt crack in Waco.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I basically live off of Queso, REALLY!

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Washing and de-fungusing EVERYTHING after a jackpot show or non-terminal national show.  

Favorite Livestock Show:
San Angelo

Current Favorite Song:
Bull Rider – Johnny Cash

Favorite Sports Team:

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, Of Course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots

Paige Pence

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Paige Pence, the exhibitor the Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Doe at the 2022 New Year Nationals! Learn a little more about Paige below!

Your favorite stock show memory?
In the last year, we showed at the Mississippi Livestock Expo. We sent my dad to go get us Chick Fil A and the restaurant ended up being in a rehab center. He got the food and was not happy when he got back.

Favorite road trip snack?
Dr. Pepper and Twizzlers!

Do you have a lucky show shirt, jeans, etc? If so, what is it?
I try to show in one shirt every year that I think is unique!

If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be and why?
I wouldn’t want to change who I am because I’ve lived a pretty special life and have won some pretty cool things.

Tell us about your champion:
Her name is Twinkie. She is owned by Cooper Bounds and Bernard Ausmus. She was bred from Stork Livestock. She was sired by Strong Hand and was the Champion Lightweight and Reserve Champion Doe at NYN.

Halter vs Chain:


Jackpots vs State Fairs:
State Fairs

Clipping vs Fitting:

Buckles vs Banners:

Ethan Davies
Ethan Davies

We caught up with Paige Pence, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Market Goat and Doe at the 2022 Mississippi Youth Expo! Learn a little more about Paige below!

Age: 19

Hometown: New Carlisle, Ohio

School: Sophomore at Lake Land College

Future Plans:
I hope to graduate Lake Land and go to a Senior College to study Ag Communications and Animal Science

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I started showing when I was 3. I started out with pigs, then I got into sheep, then goats and I finished off with cattle

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
I enjoy helping my parents on the farm and helping younger youth inside and outside the show ring.

Best stock show memory:
There’s so many to pick from. I think recently at MLE I was able to see a Brahman cow up close and it was one of the coolest experiences ever. We don’t have them in Ohio and I wish we had more!

Tell us about your recent champion.
My wether Lemon was raised by Bernard Ausmus and Cooper Bounds. He is out of Daddy Issues and we purchased him in the Friday Night Fever Sale.
My doe Cruella was raised by Blue Team Wethers out of Fabio x Black Friday. She was the Champion Doe at the American Royal and Reserve D5 Wether Dam at NAILE.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?
I was honored. It was such a cool experience to be involved in and everyone made me feel right at home!

Favorite Livestock Show:

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Cleaning Pens

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Paige Pence, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Commercial Doe at the 2022 Ohio State Fair! Learn a little more about Paige below!

Age: 19

Hometown: New Carlisle, Ohio

School: I am currently attending Lake Land College and then transferring to Oklahoma State University for a degree in ag business and animal science.

Future Plans:
After graduating college and finishing my show career, I hope to still be involved with livestock whether being at shows helping all future and current exhibitors or around our farm managing our goat herd.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing since I was 3 years old. I started out with pigs when I was younger and then got into the sheep. Soon to follow after that was the goats, and then later on we got into steers.

Best stock show memory:
My favorite stock show memory would definitely have to be at the North American International Livestock Exposition when I won the wether dams and the wether show in 2020. It was a dream to at least try to accomplish one of those titles and after my doe (Karisa) received champion, I never imagined my wether (Kelsey) would win the next day. Still a moment I haven’t quite processed yet today and may never will.

Tell us about your recent champion:
My doe, Pinky is from Went Show Goats. She sold in the April Sale and is a Keep swinging x Jade. We’ve been very fortunate to win a few shows with her and even get reserve at a market show. She just recently won the Commercial Doe show at the Ohio State Fair. She will definitely be a hard one to let go and watch run around the pasture. I am very excited about her potential as a donor and to show her this fall at the majors.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?
I was extremely nervous going into the final drive because I knew she was of high quality and I was hoping she would cooperate out there. Her and I are pretty alike when it comes to attitude. The best words to describe it is outgoing and stubborn. Both go hand in hand.

Favorite Livestock Show:
American Royal or NAILE would have to be my favorites. I couldn’t possibly choose between them both because I have made so many friends and received so many memories from each over the last couple of years.

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Cleaning Pens

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Paige Pence the exhibitor the Reserve Champion Market Goat at the 2020 American Royal!

Age: 17

Hometown: New Carlisle, Ohio

School Attending: Miami East High School

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I’ve been showing for 8 years! I show goats, sheep, cattle and pigs!

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Keep working hard and never give up! The unexpected is bound to happen at some point so don’t give up on your dreams!

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
I want to be involved in Animal Sciences and be a possibly livestock judge!

My biggest stock show oops moment:
I forgot to put my Dude’s on before my class at NAILE and I wore tennis shoes the whole time! I still won my class, but I was so embarrassed!

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I am an only child!

Favorite Livestock Show:
American Royal

Current Favorite Song:
Bury My Bones – Whiskey Myers

Favorite Sports Team:
Dallas Cowboys

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, Of Course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots

Trey Harbour

Ethan Davies

Trey Harbour recently exhibited the Champion Market Goat at the 2020 Heart of Texas Livestock Show! We interviewed Trey to learn a little bit more about him!

Age: 15

Hometown: Gatesville, Texas

School: Jonesboro High School

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
Started showing sheep at 5, Goats at 7.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Really work on showmanship! You can have the best one but, if you can’t get them shown correctly, you probably won’t have the success you are striving for. Every animal is different. Learn to be versatile. Make changes when needed. I great showman can show anything.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
Breed Large Whitetail Deer. I started my breeding program this year. It’s very similar but very different than livestock. I have learned the importance of high quality females!

My biggest stock show oops moment:
Late to the ring. I’m not the first in line showman. So, I have been late a few times.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I really enjoy playing 6 man football. Our school is really small. 20 students in the 9th grade. We play 6 man football. My 8th grade team and JV team were both undefeated. I play running back and defensive end.

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Changing out waters. If I can get someone else to do that, I do. We do it every day and I rather clean pens.

Favorite Livestock Show:
North American International Livestock Exposition

Favorite Sports Team:
Dallas Cowboys

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots

Jack Hoyle

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Jack Hoyle! He recently exhibited the Champion Market Goat at the 2020 Arkansas Youth Expo!

Age: 16

Hometown: Taylor, Arkansas

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I’ve been showing for about 13 years and I show goats, lambs, and hogs.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Don’t focus so much on winning. As cool as it is to look back on all the things you’ve won, you’ll find that the longer you show the more you look back on the friends you’ve made and times you spent together.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
When I grow up I plan on being self employed. I already have a small business I run where I sell products me and other people I know make and plan on expanding into other businesses opportunities after attending college.

My biggest stock show oops moment:
One time at the state fair I had just finished washing and getting a lamb ready for class and as they called for my class to walk to the makeup area I realized it was the wrong sheep.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I really enjoy philosophy. I like to spend time exploring my own views of the world, and listening to those of people people around me. There’s nothing more interesting than sitting down with someone who sees the world differently than you do and taking the opportunity to learn from them.

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Cleaning out stalls, without question. Shoveling out pens full of caked crap is not a very enjoyable evening.

Favorite Livestock Show:
Arizona National – Phoenix, Arizona

Current Favortie Song:
CVS by Winnetika Bowling League

Favorite Sports Team:
Texas Rangers

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots

Kenna Gay

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Kenna Gray of Oklahoma! She was the exhibitor of the Champion Breeding Doe at the 2019 Arizona National!

Age: 14

Hometown: Stratford, Ohlahoma (School – Latta)

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
10 years! I have tried other species, but goats have always been my favorite!

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Be happy for the people who win, if you aren’t they won’t be happy for you.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
I want a career in veterinary medicine or embryology.

My biggest stock show oops moment:
When I was 8 I got my hair caught in a roto brush, it ripped a big piece of hair out and it has yet to grow back.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I’ve shown every species, including chickens and rabbits!

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Drying goats, especially babies.

Favorite Livestock Show:

Current Favortie Song:
Charelston Girl by Tyler Childers

Favorite Sports Team:
The Toon Squad from Space Jam

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, of course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes!

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots

Kaitlyn Bean

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Ms. Kaitlyn Bean, who recently showed the Reserve Champion Doe at the National Western Stock Show. Learn a little bit more about Kaitlyn below!

Age: 17

Hometown: Newcastle, OK (Newcastle High School)

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
11 years. I show goats and sheep currently, and have shown pigs in the past.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Do your work at home, put your faith in the Lord and it will all work out in the end!

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
I would like to work in the livestock feed and animal nutrition field  

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I wear the same jeans, same shoes and same belt every time I show.

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Cleaning pens – although it has to be done, it takes forever and isn’t easy.

Favorite Livestock Show:
Oklahoma Youth Expo

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, of course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes!

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots

Katie Eisenhauer

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Ms. Katie Eisenhauer, who recently showed the Grand Champion Wether Dam Breeding Doe at the Oklahoma Youth Expo! Learn a little bit more about Katie below!

Age: 14

Hometown: Arcadia, Oklahoma (Oklahoma Christian Schools)

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing for six years. I do not show any other species.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
The work you do at home is the most important work you can do. Kindness and humility go a long way.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
Sports Medicine or something in the industry of agriculture.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
Originally I wanted to show calves..but…goats have my heart!!

My Biggest Stock Show Oops Moment Is:
The chain broke on my goat’s collar and I let him go in the show ring…it was my first year.

Favorite Livestock Show:

Oklahoma Youth Expo

Current Favorite Song:
Who You Say I Am & More Hearts than Mine

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Changing water

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ring Shots

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Ms. Katie Eisenhauer, who recently showed the Grand Champion Wether Dam Breeding Doe at the Oklahoma Youth Expo! Learn a little bit more about Katie below!

Age: 14

Hometown: Arcadia, Oklahoma (Oklahoma Christian Schools)

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing for six years. I do not show any other species.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
The work you do at home is the most important work you can do. Kindness and humility go a long way.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
Sports Medicine or something in the industry of agriculture.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
Originally I wanted to show calves..but…goats have my heart!!

My Biggest Stock Show Oops Moment Is:
The chain broke on my goat’s collar and I let him go in the show ring…it was my first year.

Favorite Livestock Show:

Oklahoma Youth Expo

Current Favorite Song:
Who You Say I Am & More Hearts than Mine

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Changing water

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ring Shots

Mason Hutto

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Mr. Mason Hutto, who recently showed the Grand Champion Market Goat at the San Antonio Stock Show! Learn a little bit more about Mason below!

Age: 16

Hometown: Eldorado, Texas (Eldorado High School)

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have shown goats for 8 years.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Never give up and always do your best!

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
I’m planning on attending Texas Tech and major in Animal Science.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I love to team rope and weld.

My Biggest Stock Show Oops Moment Is:
One year in San Angelo my goat chain broke in the show ring.

Favorite Livestock Show:

San Antonio

Favorite Sports Team:
Dallas Cowboys

Current Favorite Song:
Redneck Love Song by Morgan Wallen

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Washing legs

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Usually calm, except for at San Antonio

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ring Shots

Kaylee Jackson

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Ms. Kaylee Jackson, who recently showed the Reserve Grand Market Goat at the Fort Worth Stock Show! Learn a little bit more about Kaylee below!

Age: 18

Hometown: Rockdale, Texas (Thrall High School)

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing goats for 12 years. I have also shown lambs off and on throughout the years, and a steer once. Goats are definitely my favorite animal to show.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Practice like you’ve never won, and perform like you’ve never lost.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
Study Veterinary Medicine with an emphasis in research and pathology. My primary goal is to help find cures for diseases that affect livestock.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I’m a Graphic Designer and recently started my own business

My Biggest Stock Show Oops Moment Is:
My biggest oops moment happened as I was leaving the ring at a show. I went up to the judge to shake his hand. He was going for a fist bump, which I wasn’t expecting so I awkwardly shook his fist in a moment of panic. He just laughed, but I was very embarrassed.

Favorite Livestock Show:

I can’t pick just one, I love them all.

Current Favorite Song:
Classic by MKTO

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Washing goats

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ring Shots

Chandler Kirkscey

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Ms. Chandler Kirkscey, who recently showed the Grand Champion Market Goat at Houston! Learn a little bit more about Chandler below!

Age: 10

Hometown: Belton, Texas (Troy Elementary)

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing 2 years and I also show lambs.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Shows are won in your barn, the buckles and banners are just handed out at the show. So always work hard and be confident in the ring

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
Be a successful vet.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
That I love to play volleyball.

Favorite Livestock Show:

Currently Houston

Current Favorite Song:
Dear Rodeo by Cody Johnson

Favorite Sports Team:
Texas A&M Volleyball

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Cleaning out shavings in the pens.

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, Of Course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Backdrop Pics

Aspen Martin

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Ms. Aspen Martin, who’s family has earned their way to numerous backdrops over the past few months! Learn a little bit more about Aspen below!

Age: 18

Hometown: Mason, TX

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing for over 13 years, and I show sheep, goats, pigs, and steers.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
My nickname is Bob

Current Favorite Song:
The Last of the Mohicans

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Drenching goats that don’t drench

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ring Shots

Elena Santiago

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Ms. Elena Santiago, who recently showed the Grand Champion Wether Doe at the National Western Stock Show! Learn a little bit more about Elena below!

Age: 16

Hometown: Frederick, OK (Frederick High School)

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have shown for the past six years. I show wether goats and commercial/ registered does.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Set goal, work hard, and believe in yourself. Also, always be willing to Learn.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
Be involved in the agricultural industry by designing media for businesses and travel promoting agricultural products.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
That I never eat before a show but afterwards I splurge.

My Biggest Stock Show Oops Moment Is:
I pray not to have one and I try to always be prepared to handle a situation.

Favorite Livestock Show:

My favorite Livestock Show has been the Arizona National Livestock Show because it’s very laid back.

Favorite Sports Team:
Oklahoma Thunder

Current Favorite Song:
Die for Me – Post Malone

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
My least favorite barn chore is cleaning the pens.

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, Of Course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Backdrop Pics

Hayden Schroeder

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Hayden Schroeder, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2022 Arizona National Livestock Show! Learn a little more about Hayden below!

Your favorite stock show memory?
I have 10 years of great memories that are hard to put in a particular order, but if I had to pick one it would probably be the 2021 San Antonio Stockshow and Rodeo, where I won Grand Champion Market Goat and Grand Champion Market Lamb on the same day!

Favorite road trip snack?
Anything sour and sugary…..

Do you have a lucky show shirt, jeans, etc? If so, what is it?
Yes, I have one that I wear every chance I get. Logan Jackson lent it to me in Kansas City in 2019, when I won Grand and Reserve Grand Market Goat. We had left my show shirt, and he happened to have an extra one at the barn. I “traded” him a few other polo shirts because I knew this one was special!

If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be and why?
I hold my step-dad Jamie Smith to a pretty high regard! Everything he puts his mind to he normally finds success in. He was a successful pharmaceutical salesman for most of his life, which led to the career he has now. Hard work is something he’s not afraid of, but he also loves to enjoy life!!!

Halter vs Chain:


Clipping vs Fitting:

Buckles vs Banners:

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Mr. Hayden Schroeder, who recently showed the Reserve Champion Market Wether at the Arizona National, and had a heck of a run this past fall! Learn a little bit more about Hayden below!

Age: 15

Hometown: Zephyr, Texas (Early High School)

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have shown for 9 years. I actually started out showing hogs and then added the goats, and finally sheep a few years ago.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Enjoy it as much as possible and you get out of it what you put into it!!!

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
Raise competitive show goats and judge major livestock shows.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
My “back up” career plan if the above mentioned doesn’t work out is that I want to be a rapper!!!

My Biggest Stock Show Oops Moment Is:
I can’t think of a huge moment right off the top of my head but I do remember getting to a few shows without a piece of equipment or product that I was in charge of loading!

Favorite Livestock Show:

I really like the American Royal in Kansas City!

Favorite Sports Team:
The Houston Astros

Current Favorite Song:
Currently it is probably Rocksalt and Nails by Tyler Childers.

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Blow drying goats after they’ve been fully washed! We do a lot of online sales and that’s part of the process that I’m not fond of.

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Backdrop Pics

Cody Sells

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Mr. Cody Sells, who recently showed the Grand Champion Market Wether at the National Western Stock Show. Learn a little bit more about Cody below!

Age: 17

Hometown: Taylor, Texas (Thrall High School)

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
8 years, I’ve shown sheep in the past but currently just show goats.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Work hard, never give up, always try to better yourself and others, trust in the plan God has for you.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
I’m not sure yet, I know I want to stay close to the livestock industry.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I love watching steer shows.

My Biggest Stock Show Oops Moment Is:
2019 Houston Livestock Show, I thought the judge was going to shake my hand but he was actually just going to handle the goat. My friends and family still haven’t let me forget about this.

Favorite Livestock Show:

Houston Livestock Show

Favorite Sports Team:
I don’t watch enough TV to have a favorite.

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Cleaning pens, although sometimes I can recruit a friend to help me so it makes things fun.

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, of course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes!

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Backdrop Pics

Jaycee Watkins

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Ms. Jaycee Watkins of Oklahoma! Jaycee recently exhibited the Grand and Reserve Breeding Doe at Oklahoma Youth Expo! Learn a little bit more about Jaycee below!

Age: 17

Hometown: Allen, Oklahoma

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have shown for 14 years and do not show any other species.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Cherish every moment. Never take anything for granted. Show your heart out every time you step in the ring, you never know when it will be your last.

My biggest stock show oops moment:
I got to a show 3 hours from my house and forgot my shoes…

Favorite Livestock Show:

OYE or Tulsa State Fair

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Cleaning pens.

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, Of Course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
Heck Yes

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots