Allen Newcomb Show Lambs & Treadmills

So You Suckā€¦At Marketing ā€“ Is back! This time letā€™s talk about the importance of logo design.

Having a logo in the proper file format (and knowing when to use each file format type) is an absolute game changer for your marketingĀ ā€“ Itā€™sĀ something youā€™ll want to be able to use across all differentĀ typesĀ of marketing materials, so it only makes sense to startĀ outĀ and invest in getting a good logo in the correct file formats.

A little Logo 101 to start withā€“ file formats can be one of two types:
– Vector (This is a file format such as an AI or EPS file, that will resize and rescale without a loss of quality or clarity ā€“ This is preferred for printing (think trailer graphics, signage, apparel printing, decals, etc).

– Raster (This is a file format such as aĀ pngĀ orĀ jpg) that is useful for some web graphics and social media graphics.Ā PngĀ graphics typically will have a transparent background, which alleviates the needĀ from havingĀ to cut out your logo to place on colored backgrounds.

So what if I already have a logo, but itā€™s looking a little dated? This is where a LOGO REFRESH comes into play! This is common to do, and we see this across brandsĀ all over the worldĀ ā€“ revamping your logo slightly to look more modern and updated.Ā  This is also a great way toĀ make sureĀ youā€™ve got your logo in the proper file formatsĀ going forward.

If youā€™re thinking about getting started on either a new Logo Design or a Logo Refresh project, we make the process easy.
Ā SimplyĀ reach out toĀ us atĀ updates@thenoveldesigns.comĀ and weā€™ll send you our logo design pricing and form.

2. Fill out the form & Pay your deposit ā€“ this getsĀ a little bit ofĀ info about what you are or arenā€™t looking for in your logo.Ā  (Some people are very detailed about what they are looking for,Ā other peopleĀ donā€™t know what they want and provide little info ā€“ either is fine with us).

3. Our team will get to work ā€“ Typically Kali, Jill, and Steva tackle the logo design projects and we come up with 3 different proofs for you to consider basedĀ off ofĀ the information you provided.

4. Provide your feedback ā€“ Maybe you love logo option 2 and thatā€™s the one you want to go with! Or, perhaps you like parts of logo 1 and logo 3 and want us to morph them together or integrate pieces from each in a revised logo.Ā  Let us know your thoughts and weā€™ll get to work on a round of revisions.

5. Once weā€™ve got your logo exactly how youā€™d like it, weā€™ll finish with the remainder of your payment and then send over your new logo file in 5 different formats so you have them for every scenario you might need!

Having your logo professionally designed right out of the gate will save you time and troubleĀ going forward.


Branded Show Gear

Thinking about doing an online apparel store before the holidays? The time is now!Ā 
Reach out to our team to get your custom store started today! To get started, email us atĀ or visit our website

Novel Designs

Inquire about how you can save in October on a web redesign!
Now is a great time to freshen up your website look and features. Get ahold of our team to get a quote! As an added bonus, all website redesign projects booked October 9-31 will receive a matching Profile and Cover Photos for your Social Media page to match your new website look!

Branded Show Gear

Variety Pack Stocking Cap Special
On special through October 22 – A great way to stock up on some of our favorite stocking caps with your logo on them before it gets chilly! To get started, email us atĀ brandedshowgear@gmail.comĀ or visit our website

The Recap

Josh Kouns

We caught up with Mr. Josh Kouns after he judged at the 2024 Aksarben Stock Show. Check out his thoughts below…

What class from this show will you go back to in your mind and resort?ā€‹
I donā€™t think Iā€™ll go back and resort any class. I thought that this show presented good goats in all classes. Some were deeper than others but most had ones that I could build a class around.

What did your champion do that sealed the deal?
When he came in I just prayed he had a good rear leg and he did. To me, he was the most unique and his combination of structural correctness, lift up front and a big hip was the best.

What do you feel made your experience the best it could have been?
I have never been to Aksarben until this show. The staff and volunteers were absolutely great. I donā€™t know how many times I heard them say that they want this show to be about the exhibitors.

Thoughts on handshakes/fist bumps?
I like both. If you shake hands just make sure to use your right handā€¦..

What was a challenge you didnā€™t foresee coming when you took the job?
I donā€™t know if it was a challenge but show goats are fit to another level when they come into the ring. During the doe show I was blown away by how well those animals were presented and fit to cover flaws so I really needed to study them.

What was the toughest call you had to make? What satisfied this call in your mind?
My toughest call was lining up heavyweight division top 3. There were several nice goats in that drive and they all advantages but they all also had pieces I wanted to change so I had to prioritize those.

What do you think this generation of showman needs to be more aware of?
Most of my grand drive talks stem around being humble and being appreciative. Iā€™m not saying this generation isnā€™t that but I see more and more instances where a finger is pointed in blame for the reason that an exhibitor got beat.

What showman stood out to you? Why?
Iā€™m gonna be vagueā€¦they all stood out! Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t have to judge showmanship. That was an awesome group of showman that appeared to be committed and driven to compete at the highest level.

Did you have any funny encounters?
I shouldnā€™t wear dark pants when I judge goat shows that allow baby powder!!

What has been the biggest change in the ring since you were an exhibitor?
I showed over 20 years ago. I had a human treadmill and a show circuit magazine. Kids now have so many resources that they have access to make them more competitive and give them an edge.

Inside The Ring

Connor Brew

Spencer Scotten

We caught up with State Fair of Texas Wether Dam Doe Judge, Connor Brew, to ask him a few questions before he steps “INSIDE THE RING”!

Who is one judge that left an impact on you? How did they do that?
Brent Jennings! I watched him for the very first time at the Indiana State Fair. I was blown away by his ability to line livestock up, but it was his humbleness and honesty that has always stuck with me.

What is one thing you stressed about as an exhibitor that didnā€™t matter?
I always stressed making sure legs were set perfectly square. It is important, but there is a time in the ring where instead of fighting legs, you need to just get a good brace and go from there!

Funnel Cake or Elephant Ear
Elephant Ear

Corn Dog or Roasted Corn
Corn Dog

Exhibitor Spotlight

Dakota Thurmond

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Dakota Thurmond, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Wether Dam at the 2024 EYO. Learn a little more about Dakota below!

What was the hardest thing for you to learn showing?
The hardest thing for me to learn was patience, and the failure that goes along with showing.

Who is your role model?
I have several role models, and without their help, I wouldnā€™t be where I am today. Ā My mom and dad have always been by my side, working hard with me on every project and teaching me how to care for livestock, whether itā€™s our show animals, or our cattle. Alma Juanes and Elena Santiago are amazing mentors who provide expert showmanship coaching and guidance, not only with my animals, but with life in general. They have a unique way of calming my nerves and supporting me through everything, and pushing me out of my comfort zone, and over time, theyā€™ve become like family. Alex Prickett and Kylar Lee have a real talent for recognizing potential in animals and ensuring they look their absolute best. Theyā€™ve taught me that no two animals show the same, and theyā€™ve helped me learn how to present each one to reach its full potential. Their guidance has also inspired me to set and achieve big goals.

What do you do to calm your nerves?
I try to relax my breathing and focus on the goat, blocking out everything else happening around me, and sometimes I listen to music.

What is your favorite hobby?
My favorite hobbies, other than showing livestock, include participating in 4-H, dancingā€”specifically ballet, tap, lyrical, jazz, and acroā€”playing the drums and piano, hunting, fishing, crafting, traveling, and pretty much anything that involves being outdoors.

Showing in Showmanship or Showing in the show
Showing in the showmanship

Working hair or Clipping

Breeder Spotlight

Pence Show Goats

Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat – 2024 Kansas State Fair
Shown by Jaci Falkenstien – Bred by Pence Show Goats

Grand Champion Market Goat – 2024 State Fair of West Virginia
Shown by Gracey Moncrief – Bred by Pence Show Goats

What’s the pedigree of your champion?
WV- Iconic x Bounds 2370 (Trip Advisor)

KS- Not Tonight x Btw 114A (El JefƩ x Soldier Boy)

How many does do you flush or run?
We run about 60 head of does between donors, ai does and recips. We are currently working on renovating our pasture to expand our lots. Last year we flushed 4 donors and artificially inseminated around 15 does. This year we flushed 6 and A.I. around 18. I am excited to continue expanding!

Who’s been the most influential female in your herd?
With it only being the second year of flushing and competitively raising boer goats, I believe our Bounds 2370 doe hit it out of the park this year. All of her wethers won something this year and I am lucky to have 3 daughters out of her! I believe her legacy will run deep the next few generations in our herd.

Favorite industry sire?
I truly believe in females looking like females. Therefore, I let all of the fuzz, bone and muscle come from the sire side of things. This year I was really impressed with our Iconic’s. We have used him, his son “Giddy” and “Ham Gravy “on almost all of our does!

What has changed the most in the last five years in your herd?
I always believed in our female base. We were trying to raise replacement does and still sell market wethers for county fairs and jackpots. Last year, I really wanted to step up our program and incorporate more flushing and to do that we invested more into our donor base.

Favorite show animal youā€™ve seen?
It really is hard to choose one just because I had a lot of favorites growing up and showing competitively, but Jaci’s Reserve at Kansas was pretty special. Anyone that saw my social media posts of him as a baby can probably tell he was an outlier since the beginning. So much so, that we even considered keeping him a buck. Unfortunately, we are not on that spectrum yet, and I am happier he went and achieved something bigger.

Jeffries Farms

Grand Champion Market Goat – 2024 Kentucky State Fair
Shown by Izzy Godman – Bred by Jeffries Farms

Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat – 2024 Kentucky State Fair
Shown by John Banks – Bred by Jeffries Farms

Grand Champion Wether Dam – 2024 Kentucky State Fair
Shown by Izzy Godman – Bred by Jeffries Farms

What’s the pedigree of your champion?
Grand Wether – Rock the Boat x JADE 23220 Kota (Dog Eat Dog x Linebred El Conmandante)
Grand Doe – Rock the Boat x PCR 101 Barbie (Not Tonight x Stork 660)
Reserve Wether – Rock the Boat x JF 1117 Sam (The Answer)

How many does do you flush or run?
We focus on quality and as high end of customer service we can. Our family runs 30 Boer does and keeps around 30 recips. We try maintain around 10 flushes a year.

Who’s been the most influential female in your herd?
JF 9127 Caroline has absolutely been the most influential doe in our herd. Before she was sold to Schiefer Livestock in Bucyrus, Ohio she made her mark on our program.

We were fortunate enough to utilize her and her twin The Answer to generate an elite doe family that is heavily influenced in our program. JF 9127 Caroline and/or her brother The Answer were on all of our goats at State Fair this year at least once if not twice.

Past successes of this doe family:
– 2020 Reserve Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2021 Grand Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2021 Reserve Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2022 Grand Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2022 3rd Overall Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2023 Reserve Wether Kentucky State Fair
– 2023 Grand Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2023 Reserve Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2024 Grand Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2024 Grand Wether Kentucky State Fair
– 2024 Reserve Wether Kentucky State Fair
– 2024 4th Overall Wether Michigan Livestock Expo (Raised by Zollman Livestock)

As well as countless division champions and class winners

Favorite industry sire?
We are ecstatic to have bred and house Rock the Boat. Not many sires can boast that they sired the Grand Doe, Grand Wether, Reserve Wether, and 4 Division Champions at a State Fair in their rookie season.

We look forward to utilizing him and his sister JF 2304 Jolene (Grand Doe Kentucky 2023) in our program.

What has changed the most in the last five years in your herd?
We have had tremendous growth in our businesses the last 5 years. A large part of that comes from the relationships we have built. Breeders from across the country have shared leading genetics as well as their friendship and mentorship.Ā 
New innovative ideas on how to multiply quality livestock have made a large impact on our operation. In addition, great families have fed our goats. This has made it fulfilling to go to the barn and keep pushing to make the next generation better to set our showmen up for more success.Ā 

Favorite show animal youā€™ve seen?
Jackson had the opportunity to travel the country with the Hoyle family as Frank was shown the fall of 2021. Incredible run for a show goat.Ā  The Flushmate set of brothers Frank and Allan convinced us to invest early in Not Tonight Semen and made a large shift in our operation.Ā 

The Ultimate Barn Playlist

The Ultimate Barn Playlists
Brought to you by Grand Goats


Submit your answer HERE to enter to win your own gear!
Congratulations to our last week winner, Alicia Cumberland!

Online Store

The Online Apparel Store is now open! Hoodies, Tees, Long Sleeves, Windbreakers, Shorts, and Drinkware – Shop Online Today – click here!

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Recently Updated Listings

Below are recently updated listings in our directory, click here to see a full list.

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