Allen Newcomb Show Lambs & Treadmills

Spencer Scotten

Spencer Scotten

We caught up with San Antonio Stock Show Market Goat Judge, Spencer Scotten, to ask him a few questions before he steps “INSIDE THE RING”!

Is this your first state fair or major? If not, what others have you judged?
This isn’t my first major. I’ve gotten to judge several of the majors in Texas including Dallas, Austin, Houston and I did the does at San Antonio a few years ago

What do you look for when evaluating?
I look for a balance of traits when judging. A blend of width and muscle with a good look from the side and sound skeleton is ideal for me. When it gets down to the last few I look for the most elite one that really hits me the hardest and is the most memorable. 

Did you judge in college? If so, where?
Yes I judged in juco and senior college.

What’s your occupation?
I currently coach at Redlands Community College in El Reno, Oklahoma. 

What’s one show you look forward to every year?
I have a lot of shows I look forward to every year so it’s hard to narrow it down to just one. Being a judging coach makes it fun to get to go to almost every major show in the fall and spring, but there’s nothing like the feeling I get when I pull into the American Royal. 

What’s your dream vacation?
 After being on the road all fall and pretty much every weekend since we’ve been back to school makes any vacation sound pretty amazing. But an ideal one would be somewhere with good scenery, good food and absolutely no phone service.