We caught up with American Royal Market Goat Judge, Skyler Scotten, to ask him a few questions before he steps “INSIDE THE RING”!
Is this your first state fair or major? If not, what others have you judged?
Although Kansas City is not my first major it’s one that has been on my bucket list since I could remember. Other shows I have done include Aksarben, Tulsa, Dallas, NAILE, Denver, Dixie and OYE.
What do you look for when evaluating?
I’m a composition guy. It’s a market animal show and I hold real world value to a very high regard. Those that have watched me judge know that chest width and ribcage is vital to me. I grew up with my dad selling show cattle for a living, one thing I promise it was easier to sell a stout big legged one than it was a tall pretty one.
If down to the last few, what will be your sort?
Power and squareness.
Did you judge in college? If so, where?
What’s your occupation?
PhD student and livestock judging coach at Texas Tech University.
What’s one show you look forward to every year?
American Royal is my favorite. Although I enjoy all of them, Kansas City is my home and I get goosebumps every time I drive my the the complex.
What’s your dream vacation?
I’d really like to go on a Elk hunt with Spence and Clancy someday.