We caught up with American Royal Doe Judge, Leah Amstutz, to ask her a few questions before she steps “INSIDE THE RING”!
Is this your first state fair or major? If not, what others have you judged?
I have had the opporuntiy to judge at several state fairs, but this will be my first major.
What do you look for when evaluating?
My first priority in sorting livestock is structure. They have to be built right starting at the ground.
If down to the last few, what will be your sort?
My final sort usually comes down to which one is the best in motion with the most unquie attributes.
Did you judge in college? If so, where?
I was a member of the Michigan State University Livestock Judging Team.
What’s your occupation?
I am the Director, in the Office of Career-Technial Education at the state agency for education in Ohio. Our office provides oversight of K-12 career-technical education programs and adult options.
What’s one show you look forward to every year?
The National Western Stock Show is one show I always look forward to every year. I feel it is a true representation of the livestock industry.
What’s your dream vacation?
The beach with my family.