We caught up with Arkansas Youth Expo Breeding Doe Judge, Jared Whitcomb, to ask him a few questions before he steps “INSIDE THE RING”!
What’s been your all time favorite goat you have judged?
There was a doe at the Final Drive this year and a Wether at a jackpot I sorted in Ohio last year that come to mind
What’s your biggest pet peeve while judging?
I respect everyone wanting a hand shake after every class but I have reverted to giving fist bumps to help things move quicker
Who’s your biggest influence in evaluating livestock?
There have been multiple propel that have influence how I evaluate livestock
Do you prefer to evaluate when goats are in motion or stuck on profile?
I think both are very important but it normally comes down to structure when it gets close
Tell us about your family!
My wife and I along with our daughter, Emersyn, own and operate Whitcomb Club Lambs with my family. We are very fortunate to be raising her in the livestock industry.
In your mind, how has the industry changed in the show ring over the last 10 years?
I would probably have to say the bone and hair.
What’s your occupation?
I am currently employed at the Farm Service Agency in Petersburg Illinois