We caught up with showmanship judge Jade Jenkins before she steps “Inside the Ring” at the Arizona National. We invite you to read our candid interview with Jade below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Inside the Ring – Showmanship Edition”
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What is the hardest to decide on, while judging showmanship?
The hardest decision I have before judging a show is what to wear. Other than that when I am in the ring I know what style of showman I am looking for and they must have a calm,cool, collective manner.
What do you think is the biggest struggle in the ring with this generation of showman?
I think the biggest struggle in today’s industry is from the hype of show stock selling for 10s or 100s of thousands of dollars, to the expectations and pressure put on showmen, fitters, and even judges – at the end of the day most people look to blame someone if they didn’t have success instead of just accepting that we all play a game. If you only love the game if you’re winning then you probably need to quit playing.
Is it hard for you to judge wether showmanship vs doe showmanship? Or how do you feel about it?
No it’s no difference to me. The winners are separated from the contenders by their ring style presence and how they show their animal.
Flying or Driving?
Flying unless it’s 6 hours or less then I’m driving.
Halter or Chains?
There are elite showman that show with a halter or chain but if your making me pick I would say chain. If used correctly showman can really make a goat look extremely exotic up front.
Favorite Sport Team?
Kansas City Chiefs
Dream Job?
My personal dream job is for our family business to keep me financially stable.

We caught up with showmanship judge Jade Jenkins before she steps “Inside the Ring” at the Kansas State Fair. We invite you to read our candid interview with Jade below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Inside the Ring – Showmanship Edition”
Sponsored by Leggett’s You Gotta Believe Livestock Camps
What is your background in the livestock industry?
I was very blessed to have parents who had a halter in my hand when I was just a toddler. My family owned Jenkins Club Lambs, which was at one time a 150 head club lamb operation in the early 90s. My brother and I raised some of our own sheep until 2009 when I graduated.
After my show career, I was blessed to judge under some great coaches; Brian Anderson, Grant Grebner, Blake Bloomberg and Mark Johnson. They took a chance on me and I will forever be grateful for the opportunities they gave me.
I am now an Agricultural Educator/ Advisor at La Monte R-IV schools and run business with my father called Jenkins Market.
I absolutely love judging livestock shows and working with exhibitors across the country.
To say the least I have been a product of the livestock industry from a young child and still have the passion I do back then.
What is the #1 pet peeve you have in while in the ring?
My number one pet peeve I have in the showring is over coaching, especially in showmanship.
How do you feel about switching exhibitors and stock?
I don’t feel exhibitors need to switch stock in the showring especially at a state or national show. I rarely have kids do this anymore.
Halter or Chain?
I have no preference if the goats can get out and move. I think there are great showman that use both.
Favorite Steakhouse (Or Restaurant)?
I love steak in general but I would have to say Texas Road House!
Favorite College Sports Team
There is no question here… OKLAHOMA STATE COWBOYS!! GO POKES!
What is your Dream Vacation?
My dream vacation would be to go to Jamaica or Cancun, definitely somewhere on a beach!