We caught up with Piper Liska, the Champion Overall Goat Showman at the 2023 American Royal! Learn a little more about Piper below!
What did you tell yourself before you entered the ring?
I told myself that this will be the last time I enter the showmanship ring at the American Royal, I better make it count.
Who’s been your biggest influence on your showmanship skills?
My biggest influence has been Jasmine Lorefice who was a senior when I was about 10.
Did you show your goat with a chain or a halter? Which do you prefer, and Why?
I prefer a chain 100%, it is so much harder to show a goat on a chain the correct way, and when it is done correctly it looks much better.
Would you rather show a wether or a doe in showmanship? Why?
I think that so many people are showing does now, that the way to stand out more is to show a wether, but that wether has to be one that is dialed in to look right.
What did you learn from your win?
I learned that it is okay to stand out, even on the biggest stage.
What do you do to celebrate after a big win?
To celebrate my win I bought my first and last ever show steer.