We caught up with Madden Wise, the exhibitor the Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2024 Rodeo Austin! Learn a little more about Madden below!
What’s your favorite memory with your champion?
My favorite memory occurred during the specialty shoot with the grand champion market goat exhibitor, Brisco Black, when we had a race around the show ring with our goats.
Who has been your biggest inspiration to become the person you are today?
My dad and his dads immense success in this industry keeps me motivated in seeking what they had sought, and my siblings always contribute in keeping me motivated on a daily basis.
How do you prepare your goats to build up the stamina to last in the show ring?
This particular goat used to sometimes step his hind legs so to overcome this obstacle he spent a lot of time being set up in the mirror.
How many animals do you have on feed this year?
About 50 animals between sheep and goats at the beginning of the year.
If you could use one word to describe your champion what would it be?
Intelligent, he has always been a smart goat, there were rarely ever any bad days at the barn when it came to working or walking with him.
Did you experience something that didn’t go as planned with your goats? How did you overcome that?
About a week out from the show he was over the weight limit by a decent margin so we weren’t able to feed or drench him as much as we would’ve liked to, even on show day we were a little worried but thankfully we managed to get him to where he needed to be.
Major Shows, State Fairs or Jackpots
Major Shows
Clipping Bodies or Clipping Legs
Steakhouse or Mexican