Allen Newcomb Show Lambs & Treadmills

Madden Wise

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Madden Wise, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2024 San Angelo Stock Show! Learn a little more about Madden below!

What’s your favorite memory with your champion?
My favorite memory with this goat is definitely the day we brought him home, not only did I love the way he looked, but he also behaved far better than any goat I had in the barn at this time.

Who has been your biggest inspiration to become the person you are today?
Seeing the success my grandpa, dad, and aunts have had in this industry inspires me to continue pursuing my goals in their footsteps, along with the motivation from my younger siblings.

How do you prepare your goats to build up the stamina to last in the show ring?
Often times the goats struggle to remain cool with the intensity of the ring especially when they’re in there for a long period of time so the best thing that has helped me is working with them for excessive amounts of time so they’re used to it, also setting them up periodically when drenching or feeding helps a bunch.

How many animals do you have on feed this year?
We started the year with about 30 sheep and 25 goats.

If you could use one word to describe your champion what would it be?
Sentimental, not only for the sake of the banner, more so because the goat was raised by really close friends of ours, and I was given the opportunity to win San Angelo along side one of my closest friends.

Did you experience something that didn’t go as planned with your goats? How did you overcome that?
When my sister showed this goat at our county fair he completely forgot how to show for me so rebuilding that trust with him was a struggle but eventually he remembered how to show for me with no problem.

Major Shows, State Fairs or Jackpots
Major Shows

Clipping Bodies or Clipping Legs

Steakhouse or Mexican