We caught up with Madden Wise, the exhibitor the Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2024 Houston Livestock Show! Learn a little more about Madden below!
What’s your favorite memory with your champion?
My favorite memory would have to be the first time this beloved knothead set up for me properly (keep in mind this was recent) , this has easily been the most stubborn goat I’ve ever shown.
Who has been your biggest inspiration to become the person you are today?
My dad has taught me all there is to know in terms of character development, his patience makes what we do possible, and my younger siblings are as encouraging as they come making it more of a priority to spend time with them at the barn rather than a chore.
How do you prepare your goats to build up the stamina to last in the show ring?
This goat in particular took A TON of standing up on the chain and resetting over and over and over and… etc.
How many animals do you have on feed this year?
I believe we began this season with a total of 55 head between sheep and goats.
If you could use one word to describe your champion what would it be?
I loved this goat in terms of looks but if I had to describe him honestly, the most fitting word is definitely KNOTHEAD.
Did you experience something that didn’t go as planned with your goats? How did you overcome that?
This goat has been consistently worked almost every day since a few weeks before Angelo and he JUST now became capable of maintaining a drive and a confident stride.
Major Shows, State Fairs or Jackpots
Major Shows
Clipping Bodies or Clipping Legs
Steakhouse or Mexican