Allen Newcomb Show Lambs & Treadmills

Payton Dahmer

We caught up with Mr. Payton Dahmer after he judged the Market Goat Showmanship at the 2023 Oklahoma Youth Expo. Check out his thoughts below…

When your showman first stepped foot into the ring, did you know they were your champion?
My champion and reserve showman both entered the ring with the face of a gamer… they separated themselves at that moment.

What is one thing your champion did to set themselves apart?
The decision between my champion and reserve was immensely close. Both of those kids set themselves apart by not drawing attention to themselves, but just having their goat looking 100% every time I caught a look at them.

If you could change your showman in one aspect, what would it be?
I’d tell them both to not change a thing – they’re incredible at what they do!

What is one bucket list show to judge? Why?
The sheep show at Louisville sits at the top of my bucket list. There’s just something about those green shavings!

Most embarrassing moment as a judge?
Nothing comes to mind instantly, but I typically am so focused on what I’m doing that I wouldnt noticed if I embarrassed myself anyway…

Who gave you your first opportunity to judge?
One of the first opportunities I had to judge was at a sheep/goat jackpot in Manhattan, KS my freshman year of college. Its funny how things came full circle as I later attended K-State and am now employed there!

Barrett Carlisle

We caught up with Mr. Barrett Carlisle after he judged the Market Goats at the 2023 Rodeo Austin. Check out his thoughts below…

If you could change your champion in one place, what would it be?
With the risk of this sounding like a cop out, I do not think I would really change him anywhere. I did not read him to have any major flaws, and he had a striking and memorable first impression. I thought it was hard not to love that one!

What was the feeling you had when you found your champion?
When he came back into the ring after getting the first pull and going across the scale, I followed him a good while. When I finally made myself stop following him around the ring, I muttered to myself, “that’s the one”.

What was the toughest class of the day?
Without question, class 13. It was a very deep class and one of those where you knew some good projects were going to fall short of a sale slot. The top 3 were the toughest trio of the day. All three had incredible pieces and were all shown to a high degree, but all three needed tweaked in an area, or two. Weighing out those differences and really breaking down three exceptional individuals was fun, but the hardest call to make on the day.

What is one memory from the show that you will cherish for a long time?
Getting to judge there was a good example of how this industry comes full circle. It hit me in the grand drive that I was getting to judge my first spring major in the same ring where I last showed as an exhibitor. Getting to experience that while my family was there was very cool. The other moment was in class 11. When I pointed to the young lady to let her know she just won the class, her reaction, and the reaction from the crowd, made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It was a good reminder that through the course of a show, those moments are powerful and will be memorable to those kids for a lifetime.

Favorite song?
Weirdly, hardest question of this interview… I do not think I can narrow it down to just one. I go in spurts on what kind of music I listen to at a given time. I, like most, am on a big Zach Bryan kick.

Who do you want to thank for getting you where you are today?
Obvious answer would be my parents. I never have to wonder who my biggest fans are, or if they are in my corner. Their support never wavers. My wife, Jara, also needs credit. If you know her, you know she demands the best of people, and she is not cutting me any slack in that regard. There are not many people on her level.

Favorite part about being the judge?
Any time you get to be around good stock and discuss them, it is an enjoyable experience for me. However, the feeling of shaking somebody’s hand at the end of the day and seeing the emotion they experience in that moment is something that sticks with you for awhile. Getting to be the judge has also taken me to some very cool places and introduced me to some the finest people I know.

Josh Kouns

We caught up with Mr. Josh Kouns after he judged the Market Goats at the 2023 San Angelo Stock Show. Check out his thoughts below…

If you could change your champion in one place, what would it be?
Color. Not a big fan of paints. Sometimes it’s works out though….

What was the feeling you had when you found your champion?
I saw several come in that had big ring pieces but when my grand came trotting in on the move I thought here we go!

What was the toughest class of the day?
The hardest class to figure out was class 1. It had everything in it with a big weight range. The toughest class was the first class of heavies that my grand came out of.

What is one memory from the show that you will cherish for a long time?
I had a lot of good memories to take home from my day of judging but the young man that came through on a wheel chair with tracks made me smile. The amount of work that he put in to train that goat to walk next to him is simply amazing!

Favorite song?
I have never really had a favorite song. Currently around our house we are listening to a lot of cocomelon.

Who do you want to thank for getting you where you are today?
My parents didn’t grow up around the stock show deal other than the occasional county fair, but their support of me wanting to make my own path of showing and judging never fell short. I’ll be grateful of that forever.

Favorite part about being the judge?
Its always fun to just get out in the ring and be a small part of a show and watch the efforts of the exhibitors pay off.