Ethan Davies

Learn more about the exhibitor of the Reserve Champion Market Goat at the 2022 San Antonio Stock Show, Reagan Miller!

Age: 9

Hometown: Seagraves, Texas

School Attending: 3rd grader at Kelley Elementary in Denver City, Texas

Future Plans:
Continuing showing goats and lambs, I have a lot of years left since this was my first year showing at Texas Majors. Also I plan on finishing my education in Denver City and then attending college. I would like be a Vet or ENT.

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
4 years but this is my first year at Texas majors.
I show lambs also.

Other hobbies besides showing livestock?

Best stock show memory:
Winning Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat at San Antonio this year!

Tell us about your recent champions.
His Name was Black Ninja. We bought him from Blue Team Wethers.

What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?

Favorite Livestock Show:
San Antonio

Washing or Clipping

Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Halter Breaking

Banners or Buckles

Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets