We caught up with Mr. Payton Dahmer after he judged the Market Goat Showmanship at the 2023 Oklahoma Youth Expo. Check out his thoughts below…

When your showman first stepped foot into the ring, did you know they were your champion?
My champion and reserve showman both entered the ring with the face of a gamer… they separated themselves at that moment.

What is one thing your champion did to set themselves apart?
The decision between my champion and reserve was immensely close. Both of those kids set themselves apart by not drawing attention to themselves, but just having their goat looking 100% every time I caught a look at them.

If you could change your showman in one aspect, what would it be?
I’d tell them both to not change a thing – they’re incredible at what they do!

What is one bucket list show to judge? Why?
The sheep show at Louisville sits at the top of my bucket list. There’s just something about those green shavings!

Most embarrassing moment as a judge?
Nothing comes to mind instantly, but I typically am so focused on what I’m doing that I wouldnt noticed if I embarrassed myself anyway…

Who gave you your first opportunity to judge?
One of the first opportunities I had to judge was at a sheep/goat jackpot in Manhattan, KS my freshman year of college. Its funny how things came full circle as I later attended K-State and am now employed there!