Ethan Davies

We caught up with Kaylie Stone after her great success at the 2021 New Year National! She was crowned Champion Goat Showman, Grand Champion Market Goat in the Money Ring and Reserve Champion Market Goat in the Prize Ring!

Age: 21

Hometown: Gurdon, Arkansas

School Attending: Southern Arkansas University

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I started showing competitively and made my first trip to NAILE when I was 7! I have shown lambs, pigs,market rabbits, and cattle also! I’ve been around the showing/livestock industry my whole life.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
It’s important to set goals either big or small. These can be showmanship goals or goals you set for your livestock. I keep a mental checklist of things I try to get better at each week! Most importantly have fun, meet new people, and cherish the memories!

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
When I grow up I want to work in the Agriculture Marketing field specializing in livestock photography and graphic design. I hope to continue my business, Kaylie Stone Photography, while also raising livestock. I plan to graduate in May 2022 with my Bachelors in Agriculture Education and minor in Communication Design!

My biggest stock show oops moment:
I almost walked in the Supreme Showman drive at The New Year National with my everyday barn hey dude shoes that are holding together by a thread!

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I never learned how to ride a bike when I was younger and chose to run because it was easier. I was later recruited to run track in college!

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
I’m very precise about how I do things in the barn but I’m not a fan of changing out and cleaning water buckets!

Favorite Livestock Show:

Current Favorite Song:
Long Hot Summer Day – Turnpike Troubadours

Favorite Sports Team:
St. Louis Cardinals

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!
Yes, Of Course!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Backdrop Pics