We caught up with Katie Eisenhauer, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2024 American Royal Spring Show! Learn a little more about Katie below!
What’s your favorite memory with your champion?
My favorite memory with my recent champion is when we would seemingly have to beg him to eat something everyday. He himself is a memory too; he was my first red goat!
Who has been your biggest inspiration to become the person you are today?
I’ve had plenty of influences in my life who have pushed me to become who I am today! Right off the top of my head, my grandpa and Karisa Stults are probably my biggest inspirations. They both have poured into me greatly, and I look up to their work ethic and honesty.
How do you prepare your goats to build up the stamina to last in the show ring?
This is one of the most overlooked pieces of showing livestock in my opinion! It definitely is something that sets showmen apart in the ring. Personally, I walk my animals as far away from the barn to get them away from what they know and then I can and then practice showing them out there. This not only helps the animal build up stamina for the best performance in the show ring, but it also gets the showman ready too!
How many animals do you have on feed this year?
I had 8 animals on feed this year!
If you could use one word to describe your champion what would it be?
Did you experience something that didn’t go as planned with your goats? How did you overcome that?
Yes! There’s always something that doesn’t go as planned with livestock. Specifically, I had a few goats who struggled to gain weight, and I had a goat have a break in his leg. I overcame these set backs by asking for help from people that I trust and staying patient with the process.
Major Shows, State Fairs or Jackpots
State Fairs
Clipping Bodies or Clipping Legs
Steakhouse or Mexican