Ethan Davies
Ethan Davies

We caught up with Addison Vavricek, the exhibitor the Grand Champion 4-H Market Goat and Reserve Grand Champion FFA Market Goat at the 2024 Nebraska State Fair! Learn a little more about Addison below!

What was the hardest thing for you to learn showing?
I have only been showing for three years, so catching up on my knowledge and competing with people who have been showing for years was definitely one of my biggest challenges. I was very unsure when I first started showing because of this reason. However, I set goals for myself and had incredible help from my “show family” who were willing to go above and beyond to help me accomplish those goals. The hard work I put in and the people who supported me helped me gain confidence in the ring and in myself as a whole.​

Who is your role model?
I have two role models and they are Tessa and Brodie Mackey. These two are the people who got me into the livestock industry, and they have helped me work towards my goals ever since. I wouldn’t have had the success or be the individual I am today without their help and faith in me. They have taught me how to step out of my comfort zone, have confidence in myself, and go after my dreams no matter how big they are.

What do you do to calm your nerves?
I always get really nervous before I show so before I step into the ring, I always pray to God. He is the one I give all my glory and success to. I just ask him to give me peace and help me to be confident in myself and the work that I have put in.

What is your favorite hobby?
Showing goats is 100% my favorite hobby. I definitely find it the most rewarding activity I’ve ever done. I love that you get exactly what you put in and if you work hard, you can see success. I also just love the livestock industry as a whole. I have met so many lifelong friends through showing and have made my greatest memories in the ring.

Showing in Showmanship or Showing in the show
Showing in the showmanship

Working hair or Clipping