We caught up with National Western Stock Show Market Goat Judge, Mike Harbour, to ask him a few questions before he steps “INSIDE THE RING”!
How did you get started in the livestock industry?
When I was born my father was an ag teacher so I was basically born into the business.
Tell us about your career.
My family raised club lambs and kept a few sows. I mainly showed sheep but always fed a few barrows and a steer. Judged collegiately on both Jr and Sr college level. I was employed by the Texas Ag Extension Service as County Ag Agent for 8 1/2 years. Left that and ran an 18,000 acre ranch south of San Angelo Texas for 5 years. Left that and moved to central Texas and Started Harbour Livestock 19 years ago. We currently raise Show Goats, Club Lambs, Commercial Cattle and Whitetail And Fallow Deer with my wife Connie and two sons Tristan and Trey.
What is your all-time favorite show?
After Judging the Market Lambs at the North American Livestock Expo I was hooked. We have been back every year since.
What is your biggest show ring pet peeve?
Exhibitors walking up to the judge to shake his hand while he is talking reasons on the class. I know up north it’s common, however, I find it very distracting. Reasons don’t take that long. Just stay put and you can all leave at once.
What’s the best goat you’ve ever seen?
I’m pretty fond of a few my boys have fed. Treys Houston Grand was a stud. I’ve been in this business since 1992. Goats have come a long way. I remember selling wethers before the Boer Goats were in this country. So the best one I’ve ever seen is a tuff question.
What did you want to be when you were younger?
Professional Team Roper or Raise Show Sheep for a living.
What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Raising show goats in sheep country before goat shows existed above the county show level, and thinking goat showing goats was going to be popular some day.
Favorite Quote:
Luck is Hard Work Residue
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Jackson Hole WY
Favorite Singer/Band:
Casey Donahew
Favorite Sports Team:
Dallas Cowboys
Favorite TV Show/Channel:
Outdoor Channel