We caught up with National Western Market Judge, Kevin Mock to ask him a few questions before he steps “INSIDE THE RING” at Denver!
How did you get started in the livestock industry?
I was raised on a small farm in Kyle, TX where we raised show pigs and show goats with minimal success past the county show level. My parents involved us in 4-H to teach responsibility and the value of production agriculture.
Tell us about your career.
My wife Megan and our family owns and operates Mock Livestock, a competitive show goat production and marketing business. We also co-own and manage M-B Genetics, a 50 sow show pig operation and boar stud. In 2017 we stepped out of the full time livestock show industry and currently serve as the Chief Operating Officer of M5 Utilities LLC in Boerne, TX.
What is your all-time favorite show?
Houston is the most prestigious show to win in my opinion. The atmosphere and facilities are second to none. San Antonio is the toughest one to win.
What is your biggest show ring pet peeve?
One of the values of this “sport” is teaching kids respect and values. I have little patience for kids with a bad or entitled attitude.
What’s the best goat you’ve ever seen?
Easy! Grant Read’s 2012 Grand @ Fort Worth.
What did you want to be when you were younger?
A stock show guy. I wasn’t very good at it, but it’s all I wanted to do.
It’s Karaoke Night… What song are you singing?
Im passing!
What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Decided to be a full time stock show guy. We used our wedding loan to buy a buck & donor and never looked back.
Favorite Quote:
“Winning is a mindset. It’s not what you want, it’s what you’re willing to sacrifice to get it!” – Nick Saban
“It ain’t dying I’m talking about, it’s living!” -Augustus McCrae
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Favorite Sports Team:
My kids’ team. Whatever they’re doing.
Favorite Singer/Band:
Anything while I’m fishing.
Favorite TV Show/Channel:
Elite Redfish Series, IFA Redfish Series, Yellowstone