Sunny Cowley exhibited the Reserve Champion Market Goat at the 2022 Houston Stock Show. Read about her wethers unlikely path to the backdrop in our interview below!
Age: 17
Hometown: Amarillo, Texas
School Attending: Canyon High School
Future Plans:
I plan to attend Texas A&M University in the fall and major in Animal Science with a minor in political science. I hope to one day work in developing agricultural policy at the state or national level.
How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
I have been showing goats for 10 years. I also show sheep.
Other hobbies besides showing livestock?
Livestock Judging
Best stock show memory:
My best show memory happened this fall when I won the State Fair of Texas with a wether that my family raised. We have been raising goats since I was one. It felt great to reach our goal of raising a major show champion.
Tell us about your recent champions.
As crazy as it sounds, Stimpy was not supposed to be a show wether. When we bought him, he was destined for the sale barn. He had gotten real sick as a baby and was buckled over on his front end. He had been so sick that Maycon had never castrated him. My dad bought him to be a teaser buck. When we got him home, we stuck him in a outside with the feeder goats and forgot about him. For some reason, he started eating good, and his front legs straightened up. After about two months, my dad called Maycon to ask if we could surgically castrate Stimpy to make him a wether, and Maycon agreed. We really thought he would just be a nice wether for my sister to show. But he just kept getting better. By November, we realized he was the best wether we had in the barn. Even at that, it wasn’t until we took the hair off of him right before Houston that we realized what an impressive goat he was. Still, we never dreamed he would do what he did.
What is one word that describes the feelings you had stepping foot into the Grand Drive?
Favorite Livestock Show:
State Fair of Texas. It’s one day in, show the next day. The weather is always good. It is laid back and relaxing.
Washing or Clipping
Halter Breaking or Training to Brace
Training to Brace
Banners or Buckles
Cleaning Pens or Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets
Changing/Cleaning Water Buckets