We caught up with Karina Erickson, the exhibitor the Grand Champion 4-H Market Goat at the 2023 Minnesota State Fair! Learn a little more about Karina below!
Age: 14
Hometown: Alden, Minnesota
Grade: 9th
What’s your Goat name? and what made him/her so special?
My goats name this year was Dontavious, he was special because no matter how long we were out in the barn working he was always calm and good tempered.
Throughout your show career what’s been your favorite Goat?
This years, I have achieved many of my goals with him.
What do you tell yourself right before you go into the ring?
I tell myself to show off my hard work and dedication to this industry and that one judge or show does not make me who I am, it is the amazing and supportive industry that I am in that does.
What’s your dream college to attend?
South Dakota State University. As I have grown up my family has always attended many football games and spent time in Brookings and the people and community is something that I would fit right in with.
What’s your favorite thing to do in the barn?
Listen to music while I work. It is almost like an escape from reality when I turn the speaker on and work hair, wash, set up, or walk my goats.
What’s your favorite show? and why?
My favorite show is the Minnesota Youth Livestock Expo. I have met many new people every year I go and it is always a good time.
How do you stay focused on reaching your goal?
My support team that pushes me every step of the way. They are always there trying to make me a better person in and outside of the ring. My sister and her boyfriend have been my biggest supporters on reaching my goal and I couldn’t have done this without them.
Who has been your biggest influence?
My best friend Khloe. She has been there all year working with me on showmanship and anything you could think of. She was there for me always willing to help and make me a better showman and person. I will always thank her for helping me and I wish one day to be as amazing as she is.