We caught up with Ethan Dowell, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Prospect Market Goat at the 2024 American Royal Spring Show! Learn a little more about Ethan below!
What’s your favorite memory with your champion?
My favorite memory with her would be showing and winning with her at the spring American Royal.
Who has been your biggest inspiration to become the person you are today?
My biggest inspiration would be Mackenzie and Erica McWhirt for always pushing me and teaching me everything I know today.
How do you prepare your goats to build up the stamina to last in the show ring?
I spend most of my time at home building stamina for the show ring. My goats get placed on a schedule to treadmill, Sprint, Walk and brace for increasing time periods.
How many animals do you have on feed this year?
I have three show goats on feed this year.
If you could use one word to describe your champion what would it be?
Did you experience something that didn’t go as planned with your goats? How did you overcome that?
It can be challenging for me to show little goats because of my height. To make them look right, I’ve had to work on adjusting my hand and leg placement.
Major Shows, State Fairs or Jackpots
Major Shows
Clipping Bodies or Clipping Legs
Steakhouse or Mexican