Allen Newcomb Show Lambs & Treadmills

Dakota Jade Martin

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Dakota Jade Martin, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2023 NAILE! Learn a little more about Dakota below!

What school do you attend/grade are you in?
I’m homeschooled, and I am a senior in high school​

Tell us a little about your champion:
My goats name was Harvey Reginald Spector, from the tv show Suits. And one of the things that made him so special was that he was my last goat ever, and he happened to be a Hidden Treasure!

What has showing livestock taught you?
The value of hard work, dedication, and consistency. The livestock industry as a whole is such a great place to raise your kids, and it will absolutely help them to become better people.

What has been your biggest obstacle you have overcome while showing?
I would say that the biggest obstacle would be learning that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. And that you will have to regroup, keep going, or even sometimes start from scratch.

Whats your favorite part of a goat show?
Watching my Dad and Bryce getting my goat ready is always something I love to watch. And it makes for some pretty special memories.

What do you do to celebrate after a big win?
Call my sister, Aspen.

Do you prefer to show wethers or does?
Wethers, not even close.

What’s your favorite show? and why?
I have a few favorites, but the feeling of walking in the ring in San Antonio just can’t be beat.

Who has been your biggest influence?
Definitely my sisters. Being the youngest and getting to grow up with 3 incredible role models, who  have always pushed me to be my best, been there when I’ve fallen short of my goals, been my biggest supporters (next to my mom), and always reminded me to stay close to God in the midst of every high and every low. Forever grateful that I was blessed with them.