We caught up with Caroline Sullivan, the exhibitor the Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2023 Indiana State Fair! Learn a little more about Caroline below!
Age: 14
Hometown: Greenfield, Indiana
Grade: 9th
What’s your Goat name? and what made him/her so special?
Ozzy. He was such a cool goat and so easy to break. He always pranced perfectly and braced for a long time without moving. He didn’t do the usual orny thing s goats do. Just very sweet and shy. I loved that goat. Oh – and he was the first red goat I’ve ever had.
Throughout your show career what’s been your favorite Goat?
Probably Chip. He was a Droppert goat I showed last year. His personality was so funny and he would always pick fights with the biggest goats even though he was a lightweight.
What do you tell yourself right before you go into the ring?
I just try to remember everything that we practiced at home. I have to prop every goat a little differently, so I prop them a couple of times before I go in just to make sure I have it down.
What’s your dream college to attend?
I don’t have a dream college but I do want to study Marine Biology at a small school
What’s your favorite thing to do in the barn?
Play with the goats. They are always doing funny things.
What’s your favorite show? and why?
Indiana State Fair because I get to see all my show friends show too. And, it’s always our target show, so it’s fun to see how they look after all the hard work. I like American Royal a lot too.
How do you stay focused on reaching your goal?
Sometimes it’s hard because we have to spend so much time in the barn and don’t get done until late at night. But, my parents and Hadley help and remind me that I can’t win without putting in the work and how good it feels to accomplish my goals.
Who has been your biggest influence?
I have two. Hayden Schroeder and Hadley Broadwater. Hayden has won so much and is very helpful to me. He has helped me at my house before and I really appreciated that. Hadley is such a good showman and has won so many showmanship awards. She teaches me so much and helps me get the animals perfectly broke.

We caught up with Caroline Sullivan, the exhibitor the Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2022 New Year Nationals! Learn a little more about Caroline below!
Your favorite stock show memory?
The first time I was in the grand drive at the Indiana State Fair when I was 10 years old. He was my first winner and still one of my favorite show wethers.
Favorite road trip snack?
Iced Honey Buns
Do you have a lucky show shirt, jeans, etc? If so, what is it?
I don’t have lucky show clothes, but am superstitious about buying lottery tickets on our way to look at goats. If we buy a winning lottery ticket, I think it is a good sign the goat will be a winner too.
If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be and why?
I would like to be Dr. Pol from The Incredible Dr. Pol show. I think he’s funny and he saves animals lives. If I couldn’t be Dr. Pol, my second choice would be Cooper Bounds because he just tells everyone what to do all the time.
Halter vs Chain:
Jackpots vs State Fairs:
State Fairs
Clipping vs Fitting:
Buckles vs Banners: