We caught up with Brittney Schmillen, the exhibitor the Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Market Goat at the 2023 Iowa State Fair! Learn a little more about Brittney below!
Age: 12
Hometown: Marcus, Iowa
Grade: 6th Grade-Remsen St. Mary’s
What’s your Goat name? and what made him/her so special?
My goat’s name is Luke and he is the first goat that I have ever owned and shown so that makes him special from the start. Luke was purchased from Chad Walker and raised by Blue Team Wethers, he has been an awesome addition to the barn and has had a very successful start.
Throughout your show career what’s been your favorite Goat?
That would have to be Luke….I’m sure as I continue to show there will be some other favorites but he was the one that got me started and will always have a special place in my heart.
What do you tell yourself right before you go into the ring?
Stay calm and try not to show my emotions on my face 🙂
What’s your dream college to attend?
I haven’t quite thought that far ahead yet but I could see myself going to an Ag School closer to home.
What’s your favorite thing to do in the barn?
Play my music and boss my brothers around….I do like working legs. I also like lambing season in the barn, I look forward to helping with the new babies every year
What’s your favorite show? and why?
I love the Iowa State Fair….I spent so many years watching my big brother Sam show and now this year I was finally old enough to participate. 8 days of being in the barn and running around the fair with my friends, it was a lot of fun.
How do you stay focused on reaching your goal?
Her name is Jill Schmillen.
Who has been your biggest influence?
Being new to the Goat Barn, we received a lot of help from Chad Walker leading up to the State Fair. Then for show day prep and some tweaking on showmanship Hayden Schroeder from Blue Team Wethers came over and helped me out. All of their help is much appreciated and I couldn’t have accomplished what I did without all of their guidance.