Allen Newcomb Show Lambs & Treadmills

Jeffries Farms

Grand Champion Market Goat – 2024 Kentucky State Fair
Shown by Izzy Godman – Bred by Jeffries Farms

Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat – 2024 Kentucky State Fair
Shown by John Banks – Bred by Jeffries Farms

Grand Champion Wether Dam – 2024 Kentucky State Fair
Shown by Izzy Godman – Bred by Jeffries Farms

What’s the pedigree of your champion?
Grand Wether – Rock the Boat x JADE 23220 Kota (Dog Eat Dog x Linebred El Conmandante)
Grand Doe – Rock the Boat x PCR 101 Barbie (Not Tonight x Stork 660)
Reserve Wether – Rock the Boat x JF 1117 Sam (The Answer)

How many does do you flush or run?
We focus on quality and as high end of customer service we can. Our family runs 30 Boer does and keeps around 30 recips. We try maintain around 10 flushes a year.

Who’s been the most influential female in your herd?
JF 9127 Caroline has absolutely been the most influential doe in our herd. Before she was sold to Schiefer Livestock in Bucyrus, Ohio she made her mark on our program.

We were fortunate enough to utilize her and her twin The Answer to generate an elite doe family that is heavily influenced in our program. JF 9127 Caroline and/or her brother The Answer were on all of our goats at State Fair this year at least once if not twice.

Past successes of this doe family:
– 2020 Reserve Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2021 Grand Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2021 Reserve Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2022 Grand Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2022 3rd Overall Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2023 Reserve Wether Kentucky State Fair
– 2023 Grand Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2023 Reserve Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2024 Grand Doe Kentucky State Fair
– 2024 Grand Wether Kentucky State Fair
– 2024 Reserve Wether Kentucky State Fair
– 2024 4th Overall Wether Michigan Livestock Expo (Raised by Zollman Livestock)

As well as countless division champions and class winners

Favorite industry sire?
We are ecstatic to have bred and house Rock the Boat. Not many sires can boast that they sired the Grand Doe, Grand Wether, Reserve Wether, and 4 Division Champions at a State Fair in their rookie season.

We look forward to utilizing him and his sister JF 2304 Jolene (Grand Doe Kentucky 2023) in our program.

What has changed the most in the last five years in your herd?
We have had tremendous growth in our businesses the last 5 years. A large part of that comes from the relationships we have built. Breeders from across the country have shared leading genetics as well as their friendship and mentorship. 
New innovative ideas on how to multiply quality livestock have made a large impact on our operation. In addition, great families have fed our goats. This has made it fulfilling to go to the barn and keep pushing to make the next generation better to set our showmen up for more success. 

Favorite show animal you’ve seen?
Jackson had the opportunity to travel the country with the Hoyle family as Frank was shown the fall of 2021. Incredible run for a show goat.  The Flushmate set of brothers Frank and Allan convinced us to invest early in Not Tonight Semen and made a large shift in our operation.