Allen Newcomb Show Lambs & Treadmills

Arianna Lundgren

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Arianna Lundgren, the exhibitor the Reserve Supreme Wether dam Doe at the 2024 California State Fair! Learn a little more about Arianna below!

What was the hardest thing for you to learn showing?
The hardest thing about showing was learning the amount of hard work, responsibility, dedication, and failure that comes along with it. The show world, let alone the livestock industry is no joke. From the early mornings to the late nights, all while being on the road constantly is hard. This lifestyle has shown me it’s okay to fail. That’s how you learn for next time and get to be the best version of yourself.

Who is your role model?
Life has brought me many people to cherish and view as a role model, but four in particular stick out. My number one role model is Vicky Ehrhardt aka my nana. She is the reason why I am so passionate about this industry. From the moment I took my first steps, we were side by side in the ring showing goats. Second, is my dad Mark, not only is he a dad but my number one supporter. He has been there no matter the circumstance and shows up day after day. Thirdly, is the one that changed the industry for me. Garrett Bowe has brought this die heart fullblood girl on to the wether side. He has helped me become the person I am today in the livestock industry. Through phone calls, text messages, and trips to shows, I couldn’t ask for a better person to guide me to the top. Lastly is Jake Newsom. Even though Jake and I have only known each other about a year he has changed my views on clipping, fitting, and showing. I will forever be grateful for those that continuously show up and guide me through this industry.

What do you do to calm your nerves?
Show days can be nerve racking for everyone, even the best of the best. Naturally I am not a nervous person, but I also remind myself all I can do is try my hardest and let the judge judge. I live by the saying “if you aim at nothing you will hit it everytime”.  If you do your absolute best and try your hardest, you will be very successful, it might just take time.

What is your favorite hobby?
Seeing as though my life revolves around the livestock industry I would have to say my favorite hobby is show prep. Getting ready for shows whether it be feeding show goats, working hair, clipping, fitting, or traveling, it’s where I am the happiest.

Showing in Showmanship or Showing in the show
Showing in the show

Working hair or Clipping