Ethan Davies

Trey Harbour recently exhibited the Champion Market Goat at the 2020 Heart of Texas Livestock Show! We interviewed Trey to learn a little bit more about him!

Age: 15

Hometown: Gatesville, Texas

School: Jonesboro High School

How many years have you been showing? Do you show any other species?
Started showing sheep at 5, Goats at 7.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to other showmen?
Really work on showmanship! You can have the best one but, if you can’t get them shown correctly, you probably won’t have the success you are striving for. Every animal is different. Learn to be versatile. Make changes when needed. I great showman can show anything.

When I Grow Up I Want To….:
Breed Large Whitetail Deer. I started my breeding program this year. It’s very similar but very different than livestock. I have learned the importance of high quality females!

My biggest stock show oops moment:
Late to the ring. I’m not the first in line showman. So, I have been late a few times.

One Thing You Might Not Know About Me Is:
I really enjoy playing 6 man football. Our school is really small. 20 students in the 9th grade. We play 6 man football. My 8th grade team and JV team were both undefeated. I play running back and defensive end.

Least Favorite Barn Chore:
Changing out waters. If I can get someone else to do that, I do. We do it every day and I rather clean pens.

Favorite Livestock Show:
North American International Livestock Exposition

Favorite Sports Team:
Dallas Cowboys

Barn Music – Loud As It Gets or Peace & Quiet?
Loud As It Gets!

Superstitions – Yes, of course! or Nope!

Pre-Show Jitters – Heck yes! or Calm As Can Be?
No Way, Calm As Can Be

Favorite Pictures – Backdrops or Candid Ringshots?
Candid Ringshots