Allen Newcomb Show Lambs & Treadmills

Jaci Falkenstien

Ethan Davies

We caught up with Jaci Falkenstien, the exhibitor the Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat at the 2024 Kansas State Fair. Learn a little more about Jaci below!

What was the hardest thing for you to learn showing?
The hardest thing for me to learn in showing is it’s not about showing to not lose it’s about showing to win. This is a quote my brother has told me, and it is something that truly resides with me. I like to be perfect. Because of this, when something doesn’t go right, I get flustered. This causes the goats to get tense, and it goes downhill from there. I have worked hard to change my mindset and rather than being perfect, I focus on not showing a bad look. By doing this, I stay calm cool, and collected; and the goat stays relaxed too so I can make it look just that much better.

Who has been your biggest inspiration to become the person you are today?
My role model is my older brother, Luke. He always pushes me to be my absolute best and pushes me to do everything as perfectly as possible to achieve the goals we set. We work day in and day out getting every small detail right. This is his first year back from college, and I truly believe I wouldn’t have been able to get this goat shown at the level I did if he hadn’t been home to help me. It’s kinda funny, but we always joke we could win a national charades competition if we were partners. This shows how much we work together and the bond we have built.

What do you do to calm your nerves?
I always have a lot of nerves and probably will no matter how old I am. Because of this, I’m always fidgeting. I use this fidgeting to calm my nerves. The movements help my mind settle some even if it doesn’t look like it to others. I also make sure to breathe. For example, when I’m in the ring I always make sure to take a breath, especially if something isn’t going my way, just to regroup and make sure my mind is focused on the task at hand.

What is your favorite hobby?
Okay so this sounds cliche, but honestly, my favorite hobby is showing and raising goats. I love all the people and getting to see friends who I know will always have my back no matter what. I love the atmosphere at these shows, but not just showing I enjoy raising them too. Getting to see a baby be born and spending all the time to keep it healthy, up until the sales and making them their best at the sales to finally see these animals make other kids’ dreams come true is such a great feeling, and there’s nothing I would rather do.

Showing in Showmanship or Showing in the show
Showing in the show

Working hair or Clipping
Working hair