Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat – 2024 Kansas State Fair
Shown by Jaci Falkenstien – Bred by Pence Show Goats
Grand Champion Market Goat – 2024 State Fair of West Virginia
Shown by Gracey Moncrief – Bred by Pence Show Goats
What’s the pedigree of your champion?
WV- Iconic x Bounds 2370 (Trip Advisor)
KS- Not Tonight x Btw 114A (El Jefé x Soldier Boy)
How many does do you flush or run?
We run about 60 head of does between donors, ai does and recips. We are currently working on renovating our pasture to expand our lots. Last year we flushed 4 donors and artificially inseminated around 15 does. This year we flushed 6 and A.I. around 18. I am excited to continue expanding!
Who’s been the most influential female in your herd?
With it only being the second year of flushing and competitively raising boer goats, I believe our Bounds 2370 doe hit it out of the park this year. All of her wethers won something this year and I am lucky to have 3 daughters out of her! I believe her legacy will run deep the next few generations in our herd.
Favorite industry sire?
I truly believe in females looking like females. Therefore, I let all of the fuzz, bone and muscle come from the sire side of things. This year I was really impressed with our Iconic’s. We have used him, his son “Giddy” and “Ham Gravy “on almost all of our does!
What has changed the most in the last five years in your herd?
I always believed in our female base. We were trying to raise replacement does and still sell market wethers for county fairs and jackpots. Last year, I really wanted to step up our program and incorporate more flushing and to do that we invested more into our donor base.
Favorite show animal you’ve seen?
It really is hard to choose one just because I had a lot of favorites growing up and showing competitively, but Jaci’s Reserve at Kansas was pretty special. Anyone that saw my social media posts of him as a baby can probably tell he was an outlier since the beginning. So much so, that we even considered keeping him a buck. Unfortunately, we are not on that spectrum yet, and I am happier he went and achieved something bigger.